In this study, two species belonging to the genus Eutyphoeus Michaelsen, 1900, and the rare monotypic genus Priodoscolex Gates, 1940, are described based on collections deposited in the National Zoological Collections, General Non-Chordata Section, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata. Eutyphoeus unithecus Ahmed & Marimuthu, sp. nov. is characterized by a single, mid-ventral spermathecal pore in the intersegmental furrow 7/8 and a single associated spermatheca. The monotypic genus Priodoscolex is known from its type locality in the Nandi Hills of Karnataka, southern India. A new species, Priodoscolex maduraiensis Ahmed & Marimuthu, sp. nov., is described here, which is characterized by the presence of three pairs of spermathecal pores on segments 7, 8 and 9. The diagnostic features of the new species are discussed and illustrated.
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