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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-24
Page range: 537-552
Abstract views: 207
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Two cryptic new species of the plant bug genus Campylomma recently discovered in Japan and Singapore (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)

Research Associate; Division of Invertebrate Zoology; American Museum of Natural History; Central Park at 79th Street; New York; NY 10024; c/o Nameshi 2-33; Nagasaki 852-8061; Japan
National Parks Board; 1 Cluny Road; Singapore 259569
Shimomunakata 1362-7; Oita 870-1141; Japan
Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum; National University of Singapore (NUS); 2 Conservatory Drive; Singapore 117377
Hemiptera Campylomma new species Japan Singapore Miridae SEM documentation


Two new species of the nasocorine plant bug genus Campylomma Reuter, 1878 inhabiting cryptic habitats are described, namely, Campylomma marinum Yasunaga & Ito, sp. nov. (from vulnerable seashore vegetation in Oita Pref., SW Japan) and C. singapura Yasunaga, Yap & Hwang, sp. nov. (from urbanized zones in Singapore). The host plant association and natural history are documented for each new species with images of the live individuals. A checklist of Campylomma species currently known in the Oriental Region and Japan Archipelago is also provided.



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