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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-28
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Ant type specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the collection of Volodymyr Opanasovych Karawajew. Communication 3. Formicinae

Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Bohdana Khmelnitskogo str.; 15; Kyiv; 01054; Ukraine.
Entomology; 55 Music Concourse Drive; California Academy of Sciences; San Francisco; CA 94118; USA.
Entomology; 55 Music Concourse Drive; California Academy of Sciences; San Francisco; CA 94118; USA.
Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Bohdana Khmelnitskogo str.; 15; Kyiv; 01054; Ukraine.
Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Bohdana Khmelnitskogo str.; 15; Kyiv; 01054; Ukraine.
Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Bohdana Khmelnitskogo str.; 15; Kyiv; 01054; Ukraine.
Hymenoptera ants Karawajew’s collection Kyiv Ukraine type specimens catalogue Formicinae


The article is the third in a series of catalogues of ant type specimens from the collection of V. O. Karawajew (1864–1939), stored at the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (SIZK, Kiev). It includes data on about 1,200 type specimens of 134 taxa of the subfamily Formicinae, collected from around the world and described by Karawajew and other myrmecologists, which are currently assigned to 13 genera (Acropyga, Camponotus, Cataglyphis, Colobopsis, Echinopla, Formica, Lepisiota, Nylanderia, Paraparatrechina, Plagiolepis, Polyrhachis, Pseudolasius and Rossomyrmex).



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How to Cite

Radchenko, A.G., Fisher, B.L., Esteves, F.A., Martynova, E.V., Bazhenova, T.N. & Lasarenko, S.N. (2025) Ant type specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the collection of Volodymyr Opanasovych Karawajew. Communication 3. Formicinae. Zootaxa, 5613 (3), 469–499.