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Type: Monograph
Published: 2004-11-04
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New species of Australian Scissurellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) with remarks on Australian and Indo-Malayan species

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, USA
P. O. Box 345, Lindfield, NSW 2070, Australia.
Mollusca microgastropods biodiversity Australasian tropical temperate distribution


Three new species of Scissurellidae from Australia are described: Incisura auriformis n. sp., Scissurella quadrata n. sp., and Sci. spinosa n. sp. They are compared to other species occurring in Australian waters: I. remota (Iredale, 1924) [+ I. vincentiana (Cotton, 1959)], I. rosea (Hedley, 1904), Sci. cyprina Cotton & Godfrey, 1938, Sci. declinans Watson, 1886, Sci. evaensis Bandel, 1998 [+ Maxwellella unispirata Bandel, 1998], Sinezona plicata (Hedley, 1899), Sukashitrochus atkinsoni (Tenison-Woods, 1877), Suk. indonesicus Bandel, 1988 [+ Suk. simplex Bandel, 1998], Suk. pulcher (Petterd, 1884), and Trogloconcha tesselata Kase & Kano, 2002. As under-appreciation of intraspecific variability has resulted in the introduction of synonyms, multiple specimens are illustrated here, along with radulae and distributional maps.


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