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Type: Article
Published: 2004-03-29
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A new species of Wyeomyia (Hystatomyia) (Diptera: Culicidae) from Colombia and a redescription of Wy. (Hystatomyia) intonca Dyar & Knab

Division of Parasitic Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, AA 1226, Medellín, Colombia
Diptera Culicidae Wyeomyia Hystatomyia new species bromeliads Colombia


Species within the Wyeomyia subgenus Hystatomyia represent one of the dominant mosquito groups utilizing tank bromeliads as larval development sites in mangrove and adjacent forest habitats on the northern Pacific Coast of Colombia. Surveys of phytotelm plants in this region found larval stages of Wy. intonca Dyar & Knab frequently associated with large tank bromeliads, especially of the genus Werauhia, growing in mangrove. Wyeomyia intonca was originally described in 1910 on the basis of a male from the Canal Zone, Panama, and the larval stage was partial described in the 1920s. These incomplete descriptions have led to confusion over its identity and differentiation from Wy. circumcincta Dyar & Knab. Consequently, Wy. intonca is redescribed here. In addition, Wy. chocoensis sp.n. is described from specimens reared from tank bromeliads in the same region where Wy. intonca occurred. The descriptions of these two species, accompanied with relevant illustrations, are of adult males and females and of the pupal and larval stages.


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