Calliostomatidae, Colloniidae, Margaritidae, and Solariellidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) collected by the Marion Dufresne (MD55) expedition in southeastern Brazil, with description of a new species of Calliostoma
Re-evaluation of the Wehrle’s salamander (Plethodon wehrlei Fowler and Dunn) species group (Caudata: Plethodontidae) using genomic data, with the description of a new species
Two new species of treefrog (Pelodrydidae: Litoria) from southern New Guinea elucidated by DNA barcoding
The larvae of Athripsodes longispinosus longispinosus (Martynov 1909), Athripsodes longispinosus paleochora (Malicky 1972), and Athripsodes bilineatus aegeus Malicky 1999 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including a discriminatory matrix to the larvae of genus Athripsodes Billberg 1820 in Greece
The species of the genus Diaclina Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alphitobiini) from Sub-Saharan Africa
Description of the first instar larva of Lytta caraganae (Pallas, 1798) (Coleoptera: Meloidae, Lyttini)
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of four Frontonia species from Turkey (Protista, Ciliophora)
Ypsolopha rhinolophi sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Ypsolophidae), a new species from Portugal and France unveiled by bats
Two new species of Ecpatia Turner, 1902, and the first records of Ecpatia sciachroa Hampson, 1926 and Ecpatia obscura Holloway, 2009 from Thailand (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Noctuinae)
A new species of Limaytilla Casal, 1964 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) from Argentina, a key for the known species, and new record data for the Argentinian species
New Cretaceous soldier beetle (Cantharidae) from Burmese amber with preserved coloration on the elytra