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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-13
Page range: 119-137
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Two new species of Boaedon from Ethiopia and Somalia, with a review of the species of East Africa

Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB); Zoologisches Museum Hamburg; Martin-Luther-King Platz 3; D-20146 Hamburg
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies; Universität Zürich; Zürich; Switzerland
Reptilia Horn of africa east africa Yemen endemism new species new country record Squamata taxonomy


We conducted a molecular study based on 112 mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences, which revealed 20 monophyletic species-level groups in Africa, five of these in East and Northeast Africa. Based on genetic data, we describe two new species, B. broadleyi sp. nov. from Ethiopia and B. subniger sp. nov. from Somalia, and we elevate B. fuliginosus arabicus to full species level. We detected further morphologically divergent specimens that may represent a distinct taxon but refrain from a formal description due to insufficient data. The morphological variation of the recently described B. montanus from Central Africa is shown and discussed over its whole distribution area. Moreover, we provide a new country record for Sudan and South Sudan, namely of B. paralineatus. Finally, we provide an updated distribution map for all Boaedon species occurring in Northeast and East Africa.



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