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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-19
Page range: 68-79
Abstract views: 114
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Barcode gap delimitation and phylogenetic analyses in integrative earthworm taxonomy: Dendrobaena byblica complex

Farzanegan Campus; Semnan University; Semnan; Iran
Department of Biology; Faculty of Science; Bu-Ali Sina University; Hamedan; Iran
School of Biology and Center of Excellence in Phylogeny of living organisms; College of Science; University of Tehran; Tehran; Iran
Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS; Novosibirsk; Russia
Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS; Novosibirsk; Russia
Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal; Universidad de Vigo; Spain
Annelida phylogenetic relationships genetic distance Lumbricidae Hyrcanian forests


Dendrobaena byblica (Rosa, 1893) is a species complex consisting of at least 17 nominal taxa and with Circum-Mediterranean distribution. The taxonomic classification of this group based on shape of internal structures and external characteristics indicated that this species complex indeed consists of several clades. More molecular studies are needed to confirm this issue. In this study, samples from the Hyrcanian forests in the north of Iran were studied, which were genetically different from the sequences retrieved from GenBank. The results of the ABGD analyses suggest that the genetic distance for species delimitation in D. byblica is 9%, a much lower value than that reported for other species included in the family Lumbricidae. The range of COI K2p genetic distance between GenBank sequences of Dendrobaena and examined species in the present study, is 12.3–24.6%. Assessing whether these genetic variations correspond to different biological species or correspond to intraspecific phenotypic variability will require further studies using other genetic molecular markers.



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