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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-19
Page range: 201-209
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Remarks on the Dendrobaena alpina (Rosa, 1884) species complex in the Carpathian Basin (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)

Department of Zoology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; Eger; Hungary
Heidelberg; Germany
Department of Zoology; Hungarian Natural History Museum; Budapest; Hungary
Institute of Archaeogenomics; Research Centre for the Humanities; Budapest; Hungary
Department of Zoology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; Eger; Hungary
Annelida earthworms phylogenetics taxonomy new species


Our molecular phylogenetic analyses confirmed the presence of two well-separated clades, an Alpine-Carpathian-Balkanic and a Balkanic-Anatolian-Levantine group within the Dendrobaena alpina (Rosa, 1884) species group. Two specimens collected in the Retezat Mountains, the Southern Carpathians, Romania, identified as D. alpina alpina in a former study, together with the Bulgarian D. misirlioglui Csuzdi & Szederjesi, 2023 and the Balkanic-Southern Carpathian D. alpina popi Šapkarev, 1971 joined the latter clade. Moreover, the genetic and morphological characters supported their description as a new species, D. victorum sp. nov. The study also revealed that the subspecies D. alpina armeniaca (Rosa, 1893) and D. alpina popi have no connection with D. alpina, thus their elevation to species rank is suggested.



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