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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-19
Page range: 210-234
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Checklist of earthworms of North Macedonia (Clitellata: Megadrili)

University of Kragujevac; Faculty of Science; Institute of Biology and Ecology; Radoja Domanovića 12; 34000 Kragujevac; Serbia
University of Kragujevac; Faculty of Science; Institute of Biology and Ecology; Radoja Domanovića 12; 34000 Kragujevac; Serbia
Department Zoology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; Leányka út 6.; H-3300 Eger; Hungary
J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek; Department of Biology; Cara Hadrijana 8A; HR-31000 Osijek; Croatia
University of Kragujevac; Institute for Information Technologies Kragujevac; Department of Science; Jovana Cvijića bb; 34000 Kragujevac; Serbia
Annelida earthworms distribution zoogeography North Macedonia Balkans


In this paper, we have summarized the current knowledge of earthworm fauna in North Macedonia. This list presents earthworm diversity, general ecology, distribution, and zoogeographical types for the first time. The complete list of earthworm taxa of North Macedonia comprises 59 species and subspecies, of which 57 taxa belong to the family Lumbricidae and one taxon each of the families Acanthodrilidae and Criodrilidae. Dendrobaena is the most speciose genus (18 taxa). The family Lumbricidae of North Macedonia is characterized by a large number of narrow range Balkanic endemics (9 taxa = 15.3%), together with the occurrence of broad range Balkanic endemic (7 taxa = 11.8%) and Vardar endemic species (5 taxa = 8.47%). A high representation of endemic species (35.6%) indicates a high degree of autochthonous earthworm fauna.



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