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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-19
Page range: 270-281
Abstract views: 102
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Not the brightest earthworm in the genus: two non-bioluminescent Avelona (Lumbricidae, Crassiclitellata) with description of a new species

Eco&Sols; L’Institut Agro Montpellier; INRAE; IRD; CIRAD; Montpellier; France; Univ Montpellier; CNRS; EPHE; IRD; Montpellier; France
Department of Biodiversity; Ecology and Evolution; Faculty of Biology; Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
CEFE; Univ Montpellier; CNRS; EPHE; IRD; Montpellier; France
Eco&Sols; L’Institut Agro Montpellier; INRAE; IRD; CIRAD; Montpellier; France
Department of Biodiversity; Ecology and Evolution; Faculty of Biology; Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Annelida Oligochaeta alpha taxonomy biogeography Jura bioluminescence


Several new earthworm species have been described in France in the last decade, but the Western peri-Alpine region, despite hosting several endemic species, has received little attention. A recently discovered earthworm species from this region was found to be a close relative to Avelona ligra and Allolobophora s.l. zicsii after molecular phylogenetics (based on the molecular markers COI, 16S, ND1, 28S and 12S) and described as Avelona yvesi sp. nov. Morphological study of Av. yvesi sp. nov., Avelona zicsii comb. nov. and Av. ligra allowed to provide an improved diagnosis of the genus, highlighting a wide variability in spermathecae and nephridial morphology. These species reinforce the evolutionary significance of their range as a putative refuge of a pre-glacial diversity, show contrasting distribution patterns which could be attributed to historical or ecological causes, and provide new chances to study bioluminescence in Av. ligra with their closest, non-bioluminescent relatives.



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