Three new and notes on two other jumping spider species of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 (Salticidae: Aelurillina) from the Deccan Plateau, India
A new redescription of Daphnia pusilla (Serventy, 1929) (Cladocera: Daphniidae) with emphasis on the thoracic limbs of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) Dybowski & Grochowski, 1895
Immature stages and new host plant records for four satyrine species feeding on herbaceous bamboos in southeastern Peru (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini)
Recognition of the genera Igutettix Matsumura and Vilbasteana Anufriev (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae), with discovery of a new related genus from Japan
Redescription of Nanomysis siamensis W.M. Tattersall, 1921 (Crustacea: Mysida) after 100 years, with an update of its distribution in the Songkhla Lagoon System, southern Thailand
A new species of Protozantaena Perkins, 1997 from the Great Escarpment of South Africa (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae)
A new species of the genus Mongolotettix Rehn, 1928 from Shandong, China (Acrididae, Acridoidea, Orthoptera)