A review of Platynaspini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent, including description of a new genus from north-eastern India and Bangladesh
Two new species of Valleriola (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Leptopodidae) and taxonomic notes on the tribe Leptopodini Brullé, 1836 from East and Southeast Asia
Additions to the knowledge of the genus Parancistrocerus Bequaert, 1925 from China (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae)
New and poorly known species of the genus Brachyllus Brenske, 1896 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from China
Who is Andesiops peruvianus (Ulmer, 1920) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)? New insight from the type basin using morphological and molecular analyses
Comparative morphology of the preimaginal stages of Sesia bembeciformis (Hübner, [1806]) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) and other related Sesia species
A new species of the genus Apneumonella Fage, 1921 (Araneae, Telemidae) from Guangdong Province, China
A new species of Asynapteron Martins, 1970 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Tropidini) from the Peruvian Andes