The Phalangopsidae crickets (Orthoptera, Grylloidea) of the Seychelles Archipelago: Taxonomy of an ecological radiation
Toward a revision of the bamboo corals: Part 3, deconstructing the Family Isididae
Review of Trachysphaera Heller, 1858 (Diplopoda: Glomerida: Glomeridae) in Serbia, with taxonomic notes on the genus
Documenting trumpet leaf-miner moths (Tischeriidae): new Neotropical Coptotriche and Astrotischeria species, with notes on Sapindaceae as a host-plant family
Three new species of Androdeloscia Leistikow, 1999 (Oniscidea: Philosciidae) from the Brazilian Amazonia
Genus Diplectrona Westwood 1840 (Insecta: Trichoptera) in India
Two new species and a new combination in the genus Ricanula Melichar, 1898 for Ricaniidae from China (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha)
New distributional, biological and taxonomic information on the genus Eulophinusia Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
A new species of Expanathura (Crustacea: Isopoda: Anthuroidea) from Iriomote Island, Japan, with a note on male polymorphism
New reports of Capnogryllacris (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) from Yunnan, China